Too Busy or Unwilling

Some people are not willing to take the time to sit down and really think about not only the direction of their life but also the overall perspective of where they want to get in life. A lot of times they just go week by week, yet they never sit down and say, “This is where I want my life to be in 6 months or 12 months,” or any type of time period. Some think, “Oh I have it up here, all in my head,” but the actuality is that our plans do not become a reality until we put it on paper. We can toss an idea around in our head for hours, days, or years, but it’s never quite as clear as when you see it written down.

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Entitlement Is Everywhere

We all have a little entitlement inside of us. It is only human, but it is vital that we keep that entitlement in check by continuously and consciously working on our attitude reformation. Entitlement is one of those sentiments that can take over your entire mindset, if you let it. And when that happens the only person you are really hurting is yourself.

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Awareness Is Freedom

How you live your life is completely your choice. You can continue to live as a part of the Walking Dead. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it; the choice is yours. This is simply a call for you to become aware of your choices. Stop blaming society, circumstances, and others for where you are in your life. Happiness, choice, and freedom start within your own mind. You truly hold all the power.

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